Message by the Congress President

Dear all,

the format of the 107th Congress of the Italian ENT Society is definitely new, and in fact it is totally virtual. Following the recent rules approved by the Italian Government on April 21st, 2021, we had to give up the idea of a “hybrid” format, although that was the idea I personally cherished, as well as many of you who are nostalgic of the traditional congress format that has characterized our past habits, our education and the scientific experience of our association.

No residential meetings are allowed in Italy up to July 2021 – this is a governmental resolution – , and you all know that we “tried to be optimistic”. First of all, I would like to thank Nord Est Congressi who, for a whole year, have mantained the organization of the event on two parallel levels: online, to produce a virtual event with all contents digitally uploaded on a dedicated and extremely complex operating system; and on site with the traditional hospitality program both in terms of venue and hotel accomodation. Innovation has won, dictated by a pandemic that has changed everybody’s life, habits, relationships and all forms of personal exchange.

At present, we are forced to forget (hopefully in part, and certainly for a short time) a format that characterized the history of our National ENT Congresses, and to accept with enthusiasm a new format which is meant to become a fundamental, if not prevailing aspect of future scientific events.

201 live sessions, 492 on demand contributions, 40 foreign invited speakers and more that 40 sponsoring companies: these are the numbers of an extraordinary scientific event, supported by the impressive commitment of our Schools and our Members.

Regitrees from many countries will have access to 4 virtual live rooms, 4 live surgery sessions, hundreds of on demand contributions and the opportunity to interact in real time with Live Surgery Surgeons, Round Table Speakers and Keynote Lecturers.

The Congress will be broadcasted live in streaming, it will be essential, substantial and full of view exchanges; it will be pressing in times, and unfortunately devoid of the joyous intimacy of our meetings, nontheless it will represent a strong mark of a traditionally serious and vocationally innovative Scientific Society.
I wish you all to enjoy the 107th Milano Live 2021!

Mario Bussi